Anger is an emotion related to one's psychological interpretation of having been offended, wronged or denied and a tendency to undo that by retaliation; or simply anger is caused by frustration over the fact that world is not made to our satisfactions and desires.
Anger is an emotion. Anger is rooted in your subconscious mind. Hypnotherapy is one of the best tools to deal with subconscious mind.
Using hypnotherapy tools a skilled Hypnotherapist can discover and remove the cause of the anger. The root of the anger could be just that or it could originate from sadness, loneliness, feeling not being loved and not having needs met. Whatever it is, it will be discovered during the session, addressed and reframed. Once the root of the problem is resolved, the symptoms disappear completely and permanently.
Does it mean you'll never get or feel angry? Of course not. You will get an understanding where your anger came from, your emotions will be released, you will gain a different prospective that will no longer trigger your emotions and spike your anger. You will be in charge.
Hypnosis is proven to be a fast and effective means of teaching people new ways of thinking, behaviour, and transformation. If you would like to talk about relieving and overcoming anger, please contact me