AT 20 MINUTES after your last cigarette, your blood pressure and pulse rate drop;
AT 8 HOURS after quitting smoking, carbon monoxide levels in blood drop to normal
AT 24 HOURS after you quit smoking, your chance of a heart attack decreases
AFTER 48 HOURS, your ability to smell and taste is enhanced as nerve endings begin to re-grow
BETWEEN 2 WEEKS TO 3 MONTHS after quitting smoking, circulation improves, walking becomes easier and lung function improves
AT 1 TO 9 MONTHS after you stop smoking, you'll see a decrease in coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue and shortness of breath
AT 1 YEAR after you give up cigarettes, your risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a smoker
AT 5 TO 15 YEARS after you give up smoking, your stroke risk is reduced to that of people who have NEVER smoked
AT 10 YEARS after you stop smoking, your risk of lung cancer drops to one-half that of continuing smokers
AT 15 YEARS after quitting, quitting smoking your risk of coronary heart disease is reduced to that of people who have
NEVER smoked; and your life expectancy returns to the level of those who have NEVER smoked!
Source: American Cancer Society -- When Smokers Quit - The Health Benefits of Quitting
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